
Oct 12 - 18

Autumn, week 4
"The Enlightened Way to regard our ideas is to see them as tools." --Bernie Glassman
Saturday Zen. Our next Zen service is
Sat Oct 14, 10:00 - 11:45am,
room 24, Community UU,
468 Rosedale Ave, White Plains, NY.
Practice will be led by Meredith.

Chants for Thu Oct 12 - Wed Oct 18:
  • Invocation of Kanzeon, p. 7
  • Song of Realizing the Dao, p. 23
  • This World of Dew, p. 26
  • An Unending Truth, p. 27
See: Boundless Way Zen Sutra Book, and
BoWZ Westchester Chant Schedule

Reading this week: Bernie Glassman, Infinite Circle, Chapter 7, "Letting Go of Letting Go," pp. 66-73.
Next up: starting Sat Dec 16, our book will be, Yamada Koun, Zen: The Authentic Gate.

Case this week: Book of Serenity #26, "Yangshan Points to Snow": CLICK HERE.

Morning Meditation Retreat: Sat Nov 18, at First Congregational Church, Stamford, CT. Led by Boundless Way Guiding Teaching David Rynick, this retreat, open to people of all experience levels, is a wonderful opportunity. Register here: http://www.fccstamford.org/events/meditation.

Events at Boundless Way Temple, 1030 Pleasant St, Worcester, MA:
  • Buddhism 101, is a four-part series. You need not have attended earlier parts to attend any of the dates. The three remaining dates are Sat Oct 14, Sat Nov 11, and Sat Dec 2. Information: HERE. Registration: HERE. For carpooling from White Plains, email to Brain LaVoie: brianlavoie43 -at- gmail -dot- com
  • Practice and Study Retreat. Fri Nov 3, 19:00, to Sun Nov 5, 13:00. Information: HERE. Registration: HERE
  • Rohatsu Sesshin, Thu Dec 7, 20:00, to Sun Dec 10, 13:00. Registration opens on Oct 26.

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